Category Archives: Social commentary

Book Review: The Host by Stephenie Meyer

It was bethe hosttter than Twilight. But that’s really not saying much.

First though: an admission! I actually did enjoy aspects of this book. I thought the idea behind it was very interesting, and it did keep me interested throughout. However, it made me very very angry. Mostly because of the types of characters Stephenie Meyer promotes and idolises. Great idea, shame it was written by her.

I would love to see the day when Stephenie Meyer realises that a love interest does not need to be an older man who physically assaults the main character. In The Host, the main character has two love interests (sound familiar?), one who tries to strangle her with his bare hands, the other who repeatedly knocks her around, causing her physical pain and injury. How romantic! I can barely contain my hope that I will one day meet a man just like Jared or Ian. And they fight over her, too! There is nothing more romantic than that!



Filed under Book Review, Books, Fantasy, Films, Of concern, Ranting, Reading, Social commentary

To This Day

This stunning video, featuring a spoken word poem by Shayne Koyczan, has been making the rounds over the last day or so. And I can definitely understand why.

This is a poignant video, and a heartbreaking one. It focuses specifically on issues of bullying in schools, on name-calling and how something you call someone when they are eight, can still have an impact on their lives when they’re in their thirties.

We are graduating members from the class of we made it. Not the fadedechoes of voices crying out ‘names will never hurt me’. Of course they did.

I love the passion of Shayne’s narration. I love his use of words, and that he truly believes what he is saying. To This Day is a video that makes me cry. Because these situations do occur. Because name-calling does have an impact.

But it also gives me hope. Because Shayne’s message is one of awareness, and also one of hope.

You have to believe that they were wrong! They have to be wrong. Why else would we be here? We grew up learning to cheer on the underdog because we see ourselves in them. We stem from a root planted in the belief that we are not what we were called.

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Filed under Amazed, Of concern, Social commentary

Dumb Ways to Die


In response to a recent increase in the number of train-related deaths, Metro trains (Melbourne, Australia) created this PSA to make people more aware of the dangers of behaving stupidly around trains. With a catchy tune and fun animations, this is a new and great way of increasing awareness of train safety! After all, being hit by a train is a ‘dumb way to die’.


Filed under Of concern, Random, Social commentary

Is it okay to be left handed?

Just found this: another pretty awesome Australian video encouraging an awareness of bullying issues. The video was created for Beyond Blue, an Australian organisation which aims to prevent and support instances of depression. In the video, a boy is being bullied and tormented because he is left-handed – this is linked to LGBT issues and raises the question: why would you torment someone for being who they are?

A very interesting video!

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Filed under Films, Of concern, Random, Social commentary

Tagged (Cyberbullying)

Tagged is an Australian short film that deals with the effects and implications of cyberbullying. I mentioned it a bazillion years ago (Facebook and Cyberbullying), but only just got around to watching it, and I’m glad I did.

Tagged is brilliantly filmed, and deals with the issues surrounding cyberbullying in a fantastic, and highly realistic way. This is a must watch, particularly for anyone involved in schooling (teachers, staff, students, parents = anyone!). Digital ethics education is becoming increasingly important, and it is only through using and promoting films like this that we can ensure that everyone is aware of the implications of using the Internet for harm.

Go on, watch it! I think it’s fantastic.

Also, Tagged has managed to win Internation Media Awards for its portrayal of key social issues.

One last point before I go:

At the end of the day, cyber bullying and sexting don’t just affect the victim; it can have a significant effect on whole communities.

This is a serious issue for twenty-first century life and learning, don’t let it go unnoticed



Filed under Films, Learning, Of concern, Social commentary

Changes in Society…

Bad grades 1960 2010

Another image that I have found recently. Hilarious and yet horrifying.

This one, I feel, perfectly depicts recent changes in the parental approach to teachers and education. Several of my friends are currently teaching, and I’m always horrified to hear about the power that parents and students can have over teachers…

One of my friends recently told me about a teacher at her school who was in the position of year 8 level coordinator. This teacher was an amazing coordinator who made sure students experienced the repercussions of their actions. If students misbehaved in class, dressed inappropriately or didn’t apply themselves to their studies, they knew that they would be sent to talk to this teacher. He was an excellent disciplinarian who knew the best way to get the best out of his students.

Until one complained to their parents.

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Filed under Funny, Of concern, Social commentary, Teaching, Uncategorized