Tag Archives: Debbie Viguie

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 28

Day 28: The last book you read

As I stated in my last post (5 minutes ago!), I am in the middle of reading Before Midnight, a young adult novel which is part of the “Once Upon a Time” series of fairy tale retellings. The last book I read was also a part of this series.

Midnight Pearls – Debbie Viguié

Midnight Pearls was a retelling of The Little Mermaid, and I actually really enjoyed the way Viguié  chose to deviate from the original Andersen story, and from the Disney film that is so well known. However, several of the situations and in particular the character of the Sea Witch were very similar to the Disney film, and I did find this somewhat annoying.

Aside from this small annoyance, I did really enjoy Midnight Pearls. The novel surprised me with several of the twists and turns it took. Expect surprises if you read this novel, none of it is quite what it seems!

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Filed under 30 Day Book Challenge, Books, Reading, YA Books